Harry Francis
There is a fundamental truth relating to venues that those of us in the hospitality industry know: some venues are better suited to corporate hospitality than others. That said, companies like DTB have no control over how venues do business. Our job is to offer clients hospitality events based on what venues and event promoters offer.
Harry Francis
Our reputation as a leading provider of corporate hospitality in the UK is a result of many years of hard work and dedication to our clients. Since our company was first established, we have not only worked with some great venues and event promoters on behalf of clients, but we have also made a point of learning what it takes to create a truly exceptional experience.
Harry Francis
From late spring through until early autumn, the main emphasis on corporate hospitality has a tendency to be sporting events and other outdoor activities. When the weather turns cooler, entertainment options tend to move indoors as well.
Harry Francis
DTB are leading providers of corporate hospitality, and we specialise in sporting and entertainment events across the UK and beyond. With our years of experience and a massive network of contacts, we can always find the best hospitality packages at the most competitive prices.
Harry Francis
Corporate hospitality has taken a public-relations beating in recent years thanks to a few well-publicised scandals and a sluggish economy.
Harry Francis
At Christmas time, many employers want to do something special to reward their staff for all their hard work throughout the year. To this end, DTB has plenty of options in terms of corporate hospitality events right across the UK.