Rebecca Fells
Corporate hospitality is something that big business has been benefiting from for many years. But is it something that can work for the smaller company? Smaller companies often do not have huge budgets that they can set aside for expenses such as hospitality, but if they do not partake, are they missing a trick?
Rebecca Fells
When it comes to team building or forming new relationships with potential clients, corporate hospitality has a significant role to play. Here at DTB, we understand the importance of hospitality in terms of business growth and customer satisfaction, which is why we can provide access to some of the top sporting and entertainment events throughout the year.
Rebecca Fells
Corporate hospitality has its fans and its critics. Many believe it is a waste of money while others are reaping the rewards of an attitude that you have to spend money to make money. There is no doubt in our mind that corporate hospitality works; we have seen it countless times with our own clients. With years of experience in this business, we can tell you first-hand that it can work wonders in terms of securing new business and contacts.
Rebecca Fells
When it comes to choosing events for corporate hospitality, many companies are confused. They are not sure what sort of event will suit their clients, or whether a particular event is appropriate for the type of guest who will be in attendance.
Rebecca Fells
When it comes to impressing clients or rewarding staff, DTB have plenty of fantastic options for our customers. We can provide tickets to world-class sporting events and can even access tickets for sold-out music shows.
Rebecca Fells
For more than 13 years, DTB has been a leading provider of corporate hospitality and entertainment for clients around the world. As you already know, our selection of corporate hospitality choices is rather extensive and includes sporting events, live theatre, and so much more. Our regular clients love the service and pricing we provide combined with a level of flexibility that is unmatched in the business.